Hello, Royersford!
My name is Alex Metricarti, and I’m so excited to serve as the Mayor of Royersford Borough!
My family and I first moved to Royersford in 2006 from a small town in Michigan. We came here because my husband’s family lived here, but right away we knew this was a town that could truly become home - friendly people, quality schools, a walkable community, and plenty of good jobs nearby.
I hadn’t considered becoming involved in local government until my oldest son was in high school. As an assignment in his government class, we attended a Royersford borough council meeting and I was struck by how accessible the council seemed. It wasn’t a group of posh elites, but instead neighbors doing their best for the borough.
In early 2014, I saw a Facebook post inviting people to apply to be appointed to a vacant borough council position and decided to submit my resume. It was slightly terrifying to be selected, but that feeling didn’t last long. The other members of council were welcoming and happy to help new members become acclimated to exactly what it meant to serve in local government.
In the past nine years on council, I’ve been tremendously impressed by the cooperative spirit shared by the council members. Political affiliation isn’t much of a consideration in our conversations - what’s important is working together to strengthen the borough. The support that we have for each other is what gave me the confidence to consider taking on the role of mayor. I know the entire council will be working to make the next mayor successful.
As mayor one of my top priorities will be to continue to support local businesses. Businesses play a vital role in our borough’s economy, and we need to create an environment where they can thrive. By fostering partnerships between the local government and businesses, we can contniue to attract new ventures and ensure that our existing ones flourish. A bustling downtown increases quality of life for us all.
Quality of life is an important aspect of borough life for a mayor to consider. Strong communities are built on mutual respect and support, and I am dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment for all. Mayor Jenna spoke a lot about kindness in her time as mayor. Her focus on kindness as a goal for her administration was meaningful for many citizens of Royersford, and I will continue those efforts. I firmly believe that small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on individuals and the community as a whole.
Let’s see….what else should I share with you? In my day job, I’m the chief marketing officer for three faith-based retirement communities in the Souderton/Lansdale area. I serve on the Royersford Farmers Market Committee as well as the board of directors for the Generations of Indian Valley Senior Center in Souderton. My husband and I have been married for 32 years and we have two sons, ages 26 and 21, both Spring-Ford graduates. We’re trying to increase the native plants in our yard to help support pollinators; we’re currently battling a groundhog as a part of that process - the groundhog was winning but I think we finally found a fence that will make a difference.
The other thing I want you to know is that I truly believe the mission of local government is to serve residents. I’m here to support Royersford and its residents. So reach out to me at MayorAlexRoyersford@gmail.com or here, my website: www.royersfordrecreation.com/mayoralex, or on Facebook at “Mayor Alex for Royersford.”